split LP is outside

I asked Peter about a few small things, so he will write about them for us. And thanks for this great album.
Alan - The other group on the split LP is the Ramstampits, how did you get into this group? Why did they appeal to you, and closer cooperation? Was there a problem with the arrangement regarding the mini-album that is included on the split? 
Petr - After last year's performance at Rebellion, but also after smaller events such as playing at Salty Dogs or bars in Blackpool, we have prepared a firm position for performing at the Rebellion 2022 festival itself. I was afraid that there would be few people in the late hours, but it was a surprise for all of us that a large number of old punks turned up and danced through our whole set. I met a lot of musicians and managers there, and one of those who came for the band's LP and CD was the leader of the Ramstampits. Before I got home, there was an email waiting for me and an invitation to the Dunoon festival for the Punk on the Peninsula festival. It is a city on the bay, right next to the Scottish capital Glasgow. When we were arranging the Pirates show, the band sent me their new CD and I immediately thought that we should record 5 new things and release it together on vinyl. Everything went relatively smoothly, and there was no major problem even in the studio. We agreed to restore the song Vlci and made a video clip for it. You can watch it on youtube. I hope this record sells well and pleases vinyl collectors. 

Alan - Where are you most looking forward to with Pirates of the Pubs? 
Petr - I am most looking forward to the three events in the south of Moravia, there will be a big wine tasting in Jaroslavice and then a good concert at GOGO in Znojmo. We are looking forward to the summer concerts, we have focused a lot on Germany, where we want to establish ourselves. It's a big and relatively rich country where there's a bigger market, and merch sales can finally bring in the coffers. So far, we are in the red with production balance and sales. Of course, we are still attracted to Great Britain, but it is really a long way away, and for a larger band, it is not easy to travel. For example, now to Glasgow for one day, and fly back home the next day. Rebelion is something different, we go there for 10 days, we all have it a bit like a vacation and we go by car. We still have a fairly big festival in Morecambe in November, we'll still consider whether to fly or drive on Friday. We would like to fly to Brazil next year. I'm working on it, it's not fun at all, but I believe that we will manage to stay in Brazil for 14 days and then jump to Argentina. But it is a really big piece of work, and a relatively expensive trip and stay. We'll see how this plays out, but it would be very positive for Pirates' standing on the world stage. I would also like to play some concerts in the US, but that is really far away. I'm going to make a film about punk from the eighties, but I'd also like to include a scene from recent times, i.e. Pirates of...
https://www.facebook.com/groups/391393672736756  Rebelion  festival  2023 

Autor: Alan zveřejněno: 27.4.2023 přečteno: 10×